Working Towards Equity in Education
Our Commitment
We strive to bring a culture of diversity to the teaching faculty of the Edmonds School District by recruiting, educating, and retaining teachers to meet the needs of our student population.
The TOC program is recruiting culturally responsive, compassionate and equity-centered future educators who will serve all students, their families, and the surrounding communities holistically.
Who We Are
Teachers of Color (TOC) Foundation is an award winning 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
How we started:
Edmonds students have been increasingly vocal for teachers, administration and curriculum that reflect their diverse backgrounds.
The Teachers of Color (TOC) Foundation was formed in response to the feedback received from Edmonds School District students and school community members regarding equity in education. An annual scholarship program was created to increase the teacher diversity in the Edmonds School District.
Why We Do This
The district is comprised of 55% students of color while the teaching staff is predominantly white (89%).
The recent pandemic has demonstrated the inequities that continue to impact communities of color especially in access to education. Closing the opportunity gap among students of color is critical to improving student success and is a benefit for all students. Other benefits include:
Higher graduation rates
Proportional discipline
Culturally responsive classrooms
Improved family engagement
Higher college acceptance rates
Diversity in educational leadership
Application Info
Applications are welcomed from classified staff of color currently working in the Edmonds School District.
Applications closed October 30, 2024. Check back for our next application cycle.

Creating more diversity in education one teacher at a time!
Donate with PayPal
TOC Foundation seeks funding from foundations, organizations, individuals, and institutions. The funds provide a full range of support and remove barriers for our Scholars to become successful in their educational goals.
Your donation is tax deductible under our 501(c)(3) status.
Thank you for your support.
Learn About Our Work…
Data provided by Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction - OSPI
Changing Demographics
In the past few decades, the student population has shifted dramatically, and Students of color are now the majority of the population at 55% compared to 2010 when they represented 40% of the student body. Increasingly, students are advocating for more teachers, educators, administrators, and curriculum to reflect their diverse communities.
The case for Teachers of Color
Having at least one black teacher in third through fifth grades reduced a black student’s probability of dropping out of school by 29 percent. For very low-income black boys, the results are even greater – their chance of dropping out fell 39 percent according to this study co-authored by Johns Hopkins University:
“With Just One Black Teacher, Black Students More Likely to Graduate”
Black students who’d had just one black teacher by third grade were 13 percent more likely to enroll in college – and those who’d had two were 32 percent more likely.
Article: “The Long-Run Impacts of Same-Race Teachers”
When students of color see role models in the classroom that look like them, they perform better as do their white counterparts.
“I want to matter to my school...I want to see myself in books, in classrooms, in teachers and in principals” - ESD Middle School Student
“Kids who are struggling can have someone who really understands to listen, to care for, and to advocate for them. I cannot say enough how grateful and humbled I am to have participated in this program. I have felt supported and encouraged when I wanted to give up, and I have felt I have been given tools to succeed.
“You are not only helping me; you are literally changing the face of education.” ~ Leon J.
Teachers of Color
Scholarship Application Guideline
Who is Eligible?
Applicants must meet ALL of the following criteria:
Self identifies as a person of color
Employed at least one year with Edmonds School District
Demonstrated financial need
Preference will be given to applicants interested in district-determined, high-demand area teaching positions.
Applications are currently closed
How to Apply
The Teachers of Color (TOC) scholarship application will be online when the application window is open.
A complete scholarship application includes:
Submit the application form within given timeframe. No late submissions will be accepted
Provide unofficial transcripts for all previously attended colleges and most recently attended high school (official transcripts may be requested)
Demonstrate you have applied for (FAFSA at www.fafsa.gov or WASFA at www.readysetgrad.org) and/or provide a copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR) or Needs Analysis.
Obtain 2 recommendation letters – these should include highlights of your professional and personal qualities
Upload written essay answers
Scholar Selection
Representatives from partner colleges, community members, and school district staff review all applications
Panel interviews will be conducted for potential Scholars
Email notifications will be sent to awarded TOC Scholars
Awards are conditional upon successful references
Contracts will be sent to selected TOC Scholars